![start over icon](../images/icon-reload@2x.878632e1860a2084adfe.png) | Start Over | esc | Clear the workspace or reload the Share Code. |
![Add new clock](../images/icon-add-clock@2x.292762a91a6757fb0d95.png) | New Clock | B | Place new clocks on the workspace. |
![Change the appearance of the clock face](../images/icon-face@2x.e579f856db4a2ee1dcaa.png) | Edit Clock | N | Select display settings to change the appearance of the clock face. |
![turn on a digital clock](../images/icon-digital@2x.51579a9726509bdb0777.png) | Digital Display | G | Show the equivalent time on a digital clock. |
![open a dialog for the run jump tool.](../images/icon-run-jump@2x.a831eade9f2f3e367f4b.png) | Run/Jump | J | Toggle a dialog to either run the clock in real time, or jump the minute hand by whole numbers. |
![Toggle the time elapse for the selected clock.](../images/icon-elapsed@2x.1cd1c66875be441ad955.png) | Elapsed Time | M | Track how far the minute hand moves. |
![Toggle the fraction tool.](../images/icon-fraction@2x.56c425ed000929a7a4e5.png) | Fraction Overlay | X | Open a dialog to select the number of fractions. |
![Fill fraction parts with multiple colors.](../images/icon-fill-fraction@2x.d2f839627c87e3b38362.png) | Fraction Fill | F | Once fractions are enabled, you can select multiple colors to fill the fractions with. |
![zoom icon](../images/icon-zoom-out@2x.dd7fb95ed570f386a99b.png) | Zoom | Z | Zoom the workspace in and out. |
![cover icon](../images/icon-shade@2x.532f2a4a9f480d59d505.png) | Cover | H | Add a resizable cover to hide or show portions of the workspace. |
![duplicate icon](../images/icon-duplicate@2x.1747dccc34c62b35bfe3.png) | Duplicate | D | Duplicate selected items. |
![trash icon](../images/icon-trash@2x.0298c7bb215eaeb652d7.png) | Trash | Backspace, delete | Delete selected items. |
![share code icon](../images/icon-share-code@2x.2ac4a82af8ec77d35da8.png) | Share Code | K | Enter a code to open shared work. |
![share icon](../images/icon-share@2x.591b55d9288770f24b14.png) | Share | S | Share your work with an image, a link, or a code. |
![info icon](../images/icon-help@2x.bd1069327fab73241ab9.png) | Info | I | View how-to and other information about this app. |
![math text icon](../images/icon-equation@2x.54b1cb0000d628ef07a7.png) | Math Text | E | Open a keypad for creating expressions and equations. Using the keyboard to add numbers and symbols also works. Tip: Double-tap your text to edit it. |
![Writing tool icon](../images/icon-text@2x.54de1a66efe7e356f65d.png) | Writing | T | Enter text using your keyboard. Tip: Double-tap your text to edit it. |
![pen icon](../images/icon-pen@2x.455da10f0128dbaf8a90.png) | Pen | P | Create freehand drawings. |
![highlighter icon](../images/icon-highlight@2x.3097b9c9551a80ff2f8d.png) | Highlighter | L | Create transparent freehand drawings. |
![eraser icon](../images/icon-erase@2x.86f0fac9f0b2044547fb.png) | Eraser | ~ | Selectively erase Pen and Highlighter drawings. |
![erase all drawing icon](../images/icon-erase-all@2x.f02af7ef0fe319abe031.png) | Erase All Drawing | A | Erase all Pen and Highlighter drawings. |
![rectangle icon](../images/icon-square-stroke@2x.62a73570829d5b11bbde.png) | Rectangle | R | Create a rectangle or square.Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions. |
![filled rectangle icon](../images/icon-square-fill@2x.2de2afa4cdf0c7425279.png) | Filled Rectangle | Shift-R | Create a filled rectangle or square. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions. |
![oval icon](../images/icon-circle-stroke@2x.a7ddfe12f64e25ddaaf9.png) | Oval | O | Create an oval or circle. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions. |
![filled oval icon](../images/icon-circle-fill@2x.6023721a39d3c3e4342f.png) | Filled Oval | Shift-O | Create a filled oval or circle. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions. |
![line icon](../images/icon-line@2x.1a23f1b1aae687f8259d.png) | Line | / | Create a resizable line. Drag the ends to change the length or angle. |
![color icon](../images/icon-color@2x.bb9f91f8a069abe9761b.png) | Color | C | Change the color of selected objects. If no object is selected, set the default color. |
![line thickness icon](../images/icon-stroke@2x.e18bfd224bdde34f7a31.png) | Line Thickness & Arrows | \ | Change the line thickness of selected objects. Add arrows to selected lines. If no object is selected, set the default thickness and arrows. |