How To Use Geoboard

This app provides a digital workspace for teachers and students to solve problems and explain their thinking.

Adding a Band

Drag and drop a band onto the board.

arrow indicating dragging a band to a peg on the board

Drag from a line to create a new vertex.

arrow indicating dragging from the middle of a band to create a new vertex

Drag a vertex from one peg to another.

arrow indicating dragging a band from one vertex to another

Double-tap to delete a vertex.

arrow pointing to a vertex to double-tap on for deleting

Setting Color and Fill

Change the color of a selected band by tapping a rubber band pile of the desired color.

tapping a rubber band pile

Fill or unfill a selected shape, or all shapes on the board.

Fill shape triangle and ink drop

Fill all shapes multiple shapes and ink drop

filled in triangle

Working with a Duplicated Shape

Move a duplicated shape by dragging it.

Drop the shape by tapping off of it. Each of the shape’s vertices will attach to the nearest peg.

finger touching a triangle to duplicate

Drag the rotate handle to change the angle of the shape.

Reflect the shape either vertically or horizontally by tapping the flip buttons.

vertical two-pointed arrow on left and horizontal two-pointed arrow on right
arced arrow indicating a shape can be rotated

Working with Covers

Drag covers to move, or drag bottom corners to resize.

Finger dragging cover bottom right corner.

Hide or show a cover by tapping the eye icon.

Finger touching the eye icon.

Toolbar & Annotation Palette

start over iconStart OverescClear the workspace or reload the Share Code.
square board icon rectangle board icon circle board iconBoard Shape1 , 2 , 3Choose square, large rectangle, or circle board.
grid iconGridGShow grid lines on boards.
grid numbers iconGrid NumbersNShow numbers along x- and y- axes.
fill iconFill ToolFFill or unfill selected bands.
fill all iconFill All ToolShift-FFill or unfill all bands on the board.
cover iconCoverHAdd a resizable cover to hide or show portions of the workspace.
duplicate iconDuplicateDDuplicate selected items.
trash iconTrashBackspace, deleteDelete selected items.
share code iconShare CodeKEnter a code to open shared work.
share iconShareSShare your work with an image, a link, or a code.
info iconInfoIView how-to and other information about this app.
math text iconMath TextEOpen a keypad for creating expressions and equations. Using the keyboard to add numbers and symbols also works.
Tip: Double-tap your text to edit it.
Writing tool iconWritingTEnter text using your keyboard.
Tip: Double-tap your text to edit it.
pen iconPenPCreate freehand drawings.
highlighter iconHighlighterLCreate transparent freehand drawings.
eraser iconEraser~Selectively erase Pen and Highlighter drawings.
erase all drawing iconErase All DrawingAErase all Pen and Highlighter drawings.
rectangle iconRectangleRCreate a rectangle or square.Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions.
filled rectangle iconFilled RectangleShift-RCreate a filled rectangle or square. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions.
oval iconOvalOCreate an oval or circle. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions.
filled oval iconFilled OvalShift-OCreate a filled oval or circle. Drag the corners to resize proportionally, or the edges to change proportions.
line iconLine/Create a resizable line. Drag the ends to change the length or angle.
color iconColorCChange the color of selected objects. If no object is selected, set the default color.
line thickness iconLine Thickness & Arrows\Change the line thickness of selected objects. Add arrows to selected lines. If no object is selected, set the default thickness and arrows.